iPad Air Review

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Опубликовано 7 ноября 2013, 0:13
iPad Air Review

iPad Air: amzn.to/13O6yrI
Unboxing: tchno.be/16HdBAv

At what point did the iPad become so... underwhelming? In just over three short years, we've seen the slate go from untouchable heavyweight to wobbly challenger. A domain the Cupertino company so handily dominated is now rife with cheaper and arguably better and more imaginative competition. The previous two big-boy iPad models, third and fourth generations, were so largely indistinguishable that you could easily mistake them as the same exact device, underlining Apple's unwavering predictability for iteration; it's an approach that, data shows, has chinked the iPad's aluminum armor, and has ultimately lead to a general lack of industry-wide enthusiasm. tchno.be/1a8yqp4

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