Harry's Tech Survey

8 849
TechnoBuffalo1.63 млн
31.08.08 – 27 4756:05
iMac Review
Опубликовано 24 августа 2008, 2:18
Website: jon4lakers.com
Twitter: twitter.com/jon4lakers

Harry's Channel: youtube.com/user/iharrison30

1. What is the main OS you use today

2. How many desktops do you own

3. How many Laptops do you own

4. What is the highest spec system you currently use

5. What is the highest spec system you have ever used

6. Which piece of software do you run, that is the most system hungry i.e Photoshop, Final Cut etc.

7. Software you use for photo editing

8. Software you use for Movie editing

9. What is your current web browser

10. Is your current browser the best you have ever used, if not; which was

11. Which do you prefer Mac OSX, MS Windows, Linux, Unix, BeOS or any other

12. If you have used windows before which has been your favorite version, i.e Win 95, Win 98 etc.

13. If you have used Mac's before which has been you favorite version, i.e OS9, Panther, Tiger etc

14. Do you have any Tech related qualifications

15. Out of all the technology revolutionaries, who do you most think inspires you. (S. Jobs, B. Gates, S. Wozniak, P. Allen etc etc)

16. If you could have any gadget in the world not yet invented to help you what would it be and do for you.

17. Which search engine do you use

18. What is your favorite Apple product of all time

19. Have you ever tried a Linux distribution

20. Can you program and if so what languages

21. Have you ever developed your own Web Page or for another person

22. Which Office suite do you use, MS Office, Neo, Lotus 123 etc

23. Have you ever opened a Laptop to repair or upgrade

24. Do you own an iPhone or iPod Touch

25. If you answer yes to above what is you favorite App for the iPhone or iPod Touch

26. Do you hold stocks with a Technology Company, just Yes or No, no personal details.

27. What do you see for the future of Technology.

28. Do you have a network running in your Home

29. Favorite Computer related movie

30. What is your opinion of the Apple logo

31. What is your opinion of the Windows logo.

32. Do you own a Tech Tool Kit for computers

33. Which games consul do you prefer

34. How long have you been using computers for

35. Do you have external Storage backing up your work.

36. Is your network wireless or hard line

37. Do you use your computer for your main source of income (No personal details)

38. Would you class yourself as a Geek

39. Would you class your computer usage as an obsession

40. Have you watched Pirates of Silicon Valley and if so what did you think.