User Centric and Infrastructure Aspects of Pervasive Computing

Опубликовано 6 сентября 2016, 5:39
As an introduction, the known challenges of pervasive/ubiquitous computing (UbiComp) are rephrased following a categorization into five main areas, abbreviated as S.C.A.L.E. Next, the talk briefly introduces a reference architecture for UbiComp as a pragmatic way to organize UbiComp research. The emphasis is then put on two large issues addressed by the Telecooperation research group, and on the corresponding research projects: Personal carry-on devices with support for hands-free/eyes-free use, digital identity, device federation, and context awareness; research in this area comprises hardware/software prototypes called TalkingAssistants IR local positioning and IR smart tags & badges research the Stairs approach (structured audio retrieval) dynamically federated devices (some carried, some encountered on the move) BioStore, bio-analog visualization & learning/forgetting of mass (e.g., SenseCam) data 2. The design and harmonization of mobile AdHoc, enterprise wide, and globally scalable UbiComp infrastructures, with two research foci: MundoCore, an event based SmallFootprint middleware for UbiComp with a programming model that harmonizes support for pub/sub, stateful (RPC) and streaming communication. MundoCore comes with distributed debugging support and 2D & 3D world models for (partly) visual programming and is the basis of all projects mentioned in the talk; MundoCore is also compatible with projects in the group about a widget-like approach to multimodal software development and a support system for context-sensitive service discovery/orchestration, aiming at a global free market (economy) of services iClouds, infrastructure and support for mobile AdHoc applications, in particular for community networks; iClouds features, e.g., AdPass, a secure coupon distribution scheme for spreading qualified Ads and collecting rebates in infrastructure-free communities, as an example for secure community services. The talk is intended as an introductory overview and will hopefully stimulate follow-on discussions. In case of foreseeable interest, appointments would be most welcome.