How to Survive a Robot Uprising: Tips to Defend Yourself Against The Coming Rebellion

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16 дней – 3983:15
Ludic Design for Accessibility
Опубликовано 6 сентября 2016, 6:04
Do scenarios of robots malfunctioning, rebelling, or escaping from top secret labs strike fear into your heart? Dangerous robots come in many forms: from tiny insects to giant walking droids. Daniel H. Wilson teaches worried humans the keys to quashing a robot mutiny. From treating laser wounds to fooling face and gait recognition, besting robot logic to engaging in hand-to-pincher combat, Wilson covers every possible doomsday scenario facing the newest endangered species: humans. And with its thorough overview of current robot prototypes-including giant walkers, insect, dog, and snake robots-How to Survive a Robot Uprising is also a witty yet legitimate introduction to contemporary robotics. Remember that this information and advice are REAL and that keeping a close eye on the progress of robotics technology just may save your life.