eScience Workshop 2005 - Web Services for HPC ΓÇö Making Seamless Computing a Reality

Опубликовано 7 сентября 2016, 16:10
Seamless HPC has been a goal of Computer and Computational Scientists for over a decade. Allowing researchers to focus on their research and not the quirks of complex HPC environments has been a dream waiting for a solution. Today the solution exists but many still donΓÇÖt know how to apply the tools (Web Services and SQL databases) to the problems. This talk will discuss several applications of Web Services and SQL databases to real world HPC applications including solutions for embarrassingly parallel tasks, wide area distributed computing applications, and eScience/Data Intensive Computing. Real examples of applied solutions for each of these HPC problems will be presented. Examples of programming techniques to support the use of web services installed on hundreds of distributed computing and data resources will be also be presented.