Polymer & the Closure Compiler (Polymer Summit 2016)

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Declarative Shadow DOM: Hello HTML
Опубликовано 17 октября 2016, 15:41
Closure Compiler underpins most of Google's frontends - providing typechecking, minification and transpilation - but can be tricky to be used with Polymer. Learn about how to use the compiler in SIMPLE or ADVANCED mode to be more productive and write better Polymer code.

Missed the summit? Catch the recordings at: polymer-project.org/summit

Or watch more videos here: goo.gl/XDWHzT

Subscribe to the channel: youtube.com/chromedevelopers

Find out more here: polymer-project.org/summit

Find out more here: Polymer & the Closure Compiler, a guide on how to add Closure Compiler to your build steps: medium.com/@samthor/polymer-th...
Using Polymer with Closure Compiler: closuretools.blogspot.co.uk/20...
Closure Compiler for JS fun and profit: medium.com/dev-channel/closure...
closure-compiler on GitHub: github.com/google/closure-comp...

Music by Terra Monk: goo.gl/9BkpNH