OnePlus 3 After The Buzz: Never Settled! | Pocketnow

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Опубликовано 18 февраля 2017, 0:00
Most new device launches go the same way: usually the press gets review units before they’re widely available, and we get to use them for a few days -or a week if we’re lucky- as we work on our review. Then press day arrives. The embargo on media coverage lifts, and everyone posts their reviews and videos at the same time. It’s a huge frenzy, commenters go nuts, and it’s a giant explosion of frantic opinion-sharing activity. For about … a day. And then it all goes away. Sure, there’s followup coverage as people find bugs and hidden features, but after that initial blast, not many people revisit the device to see how it feels a few months later, because everyone’s already focused on the next big deal coming down the pipe.

So let’s do something about that. Let’s see how we feel about devices when they’re not shiny and new anymore. This is After The Buzz.


Let me ask you a quick question: Have you ever used a OnePlus device? If you haven't, I highly suggest you do because there's only so much I can express on a video. I'm not ashamed to admit that my first time was with my recent OnePlus 3T review, and I'm also not ashamed to admit that ever since, it's really hard to go back.

To truly delight a consumer, a product needs to get a lot of things right, and it needs to do so for an extended period of time, and I feel that's where this product shines the most.

Watch our full video of the OnePlus 3 After The Buzz to learn more.


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OnePlus 3 After The Buzz: Never Settled! | Pocketnow
