Automated DevOps Workflows with Chef on AWS

10 015
Опубликовано 30 сентября 2016, 17:04
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Staying competitive in a turbulent market requires more than traditional practices of manual tests and siloed development – it requires maintaining accurate, repeatable builds and predictable deployment times. Chef Automate gives you a single comprehensive workflow across your entire organization, allowing you to treat infrastructure as code and facilitates DevOps automation. In this webinar, we’ll cover some of the latest Chef integrations with AWS. Gannet, a leading media company and publisher of USA Today, will also join us to talk about how they build, test, and deliver over 400 cookbooks on AWS. They'll talk tools and process for building AMI's and managing 1,000 jobs to continuously deliver their Chef environment.

Join us to learn:
• How to develop at high velocity with Chef on AWS
• How to create a culture of treating your AWS infrastructure as code
• How Gannet uses Chef "cookbooks" on AWS to manage their USA Today infrastructure

Who should attend:
• CTOs, CIOs, CISOs, Directors and Managers of Security, IT Administrators, IT Architects and IT Security Engineers.