Who Can Build a Smarter Smart Garden? - Build Out #1

20 173
10.11.17 – 9 1182:01
The Developer Show (TL;DR 088)
128 дней – 19 8141:37
Introducing Project Gameface for Android
Опубликовано 10 ноября 2017, 1:40
Welcome to Build Out, our brand new show! In this episode, Colt and Reto are building the smartest of smart gardens. Which do you think is the better design: Colt's CNC gardening robot or Reto's automated, learning garden irrigation system? Let us know what you think in the comments!

But wait, there's more! Build Out continues with these helpful links:

- Episode 001 Medium post: goo.gl/SoLx5T

- The Podcast "Build Out Rewound" is available on Google Play Music now: goo.gl/vDwH46

- Use the Podcast feed to listen with your favorite podcast app: feeds.feedburner.com/BuildOutR...

Build Out is a show where one bald guy and one dinkum Aussie compete to see who can build the better… thing. Using their knowledge and experience with App Engine, TensorFlow, Android, Android Things, Firebase, Google Cloud Platform, BigQuery, PubSub, and much more, they come up with some wild designs. Tune in every week to judge their final products and ultimately crush one of their egos.

Subscribe to the Google Developers channel for future episodes of Build Out!: goo.gl/mQyv5L