How Bark & Co Is Customizing Both the User and Pet Experience

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Опубликовано 3 апреля 2018, 21:45
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If someone says that their dog "destroyed" all their toys, is that a good thing or a bad thing? While some pet owners are genuinely upset if their bulldogs tear their plushies to bits, others are delighted that their pets so enjoyed their toys, they tore them apart. At Bark & Co, which produces BarkBox, a monthly pet subscription box, and BarkShop, an ecommerce site for dog treats and products, this question was raised quite often in regard to customer responses. To improve the customer experience, Bark & Co VP of Engineering Becky Segal says the company started using AWS Comprehend to take the custom, text-written responses and scores they were receiving and perform a sentiment analysis along with the score to find a cross-section of responses that were both low score and low sentiment. Watch to learn more.