Optimizing Applications for Scalability while Keeping Costs at Bay (Cloud Next '18)

27.07.18 – 28 1905:59
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Опубликовано 27 июля 2018, 2:04
Google Cloud Platform has a wide range of powerful products to offer, but many users don’t know which to pick to set them up for success while keeping the bill at check. This talk highlights a path and strategies how to start with a small full stack application that is enabled to grow into a comprehensive, highly available and resilient application handling Google Cl thousands of qps. While we walk through the different stages, cost performance is always at the top of our minds. Through live demos and metrics, attendees will learn which trade-offs to consider between cost, performance, reliability and scalability.


Event schedule → g.co/next18

Watch more Application Development sessions here → bit.ly/2zMcTJc
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event: Google Cloud Next 2018; re_ty: Publish; product: Cloud - General; fullname: Robert Kubis;
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