Leveraging Web Transparency - The State of the Web

4 271
06.09.18 – 3 1170:50
New in Chrome… bloopers!
44 дня – 13 9686:10
The Looper Mini Web Machine
Опубликовано 5 сентября 2018, 21:30
In this episode of The State of the Web, Rick speaks with Paul Calvano, a Senior Web Performance Architect at Akamai Technologies, a company that delivers 20-30% of the worlds web traffic.

Paul works with customers on their web performance initiatives - he uses the HTTP Archive and Chrome UX Report to understand and improve site performance. Paul and Rick discuss a few large-scale applications of the transparency provided by these tools to improve web performance and security.

Resources on topics discussed in this episode:

HTTP Archive Discussion forum → bit.ly/2PGcmM1
Thread on cryptocurrency mining → bit.ly/2CnK5If
Brazilian power failure → bit.ly/2Cyw62D
Measuring Firefox performance → bit.ly/2MPMKiL
CrUX and mPulse → bit.ly/2wK9GWO
mPulse → bit.ly/2oKGZoc
Paul's Fluent presentation about HTTP Archive → bit.ly/2CnXpMU
Rick's "Not my RUM" presentation → bit.ly/2NQ2D5l

Watch more State of the Web episodes here → bit.ly/2JhAzsh
Subscribe to the Chrome Developers channel to catch a new episode of The State of the Web every other Wednesday → bit.ly/ChromeDevs1