GKE Hybrid Orchestra (Cloud Next ‘18)

1 582
23.09.18 – 889 71042:37
An Introduction to GCP for Students
Опубликовано 23 сентября 2018, 0:30
Craig demos the GKE Hybrid Orchestra, utilizing Kubernetes engine running on Cloud with the new GKE On-Prem and tying both networks together with Istio 1.0. See how you can seamlessly route traffic and enable cross-cluster communication in this metaphorically musical demo at the Google Cloud Next ‘18 Conference.

Kubernetes Engine → bit.ly/2LS5gTA & bit.ly/2xEQJUS
GKE On-Prem → bit.ly/2DjUVzn
Istio 1.0 → bit.ly/2I2EKFr

Click here for all Google Cloud Next ‘18 Demos → bit.ly/2yLGSx5
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