NVIDIA Tesla T4 GPU, Chrome Dev Summit, Dart 2.1, & DevFest On Air

11 207
23.11.18 – 25 7040:41
Announcing Flutter Live!
Опубликовано 22 ноября 2018, 19:58
The Google Developers Show → Episode TL;DR 136 🦃

NVIDIA Tesla T4 GPUs → bit.ly/2KnjYBt
Chrome Dev Summit 2018 → bit.ly/2Fzl5zj
Dart 2.1 → bit.ly/2S0RLmA
Register for DevFest OnAir → bit.ly/2FzWhqS

The Google Developer Show brings you the latest developer news from across Google. Your host for this week is Developer Advocate Reto Meier (@retomeier). Expect a new Dev Show episode every week, and let us know what you think of the latest announcements in the comments below!

Watch more in this Dev Show playlist → bit.ly/2KWNldh
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