AWS re:Invent 2018: Chris Dyl, Director of Platform at Epic Games, Speaks at Monday Night Live

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Опубликовано 28 ноября 2018, 17:59
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Epic Games uses AWS to deliver Fortnite to more than 200 million players around the world, support growth of more than 100 times in just 12 months, and perform analysis that helps it improve the game. Fortnite, one of the world’s most popular video games, runs nearly entirely on AWS, including its worldwide game-server fleet, backend services, databases, websites, and analytics pipeline and processing systems. Epic Games uses a range of AWS services to provide the availability it needs to support peak usage more than 10 times that of non-peak, as well as the scalability to host game events with all of its 200 million users invited. Chris Dyl, Director of Platform at Epic Games, spoke onstage at re:Invent 2018.