AWS re:Invent 2018: Inventory, Track, & Respond to AWS Asset Changes within Seconds at Scale SEC391

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Опубликовано 30 ноября 2018, 16:28
Large AWS environments have assets distributed across many accounts and regions. Ideally, asset inventory should be timely and provide an audit trail to document who made the changes and when. This is required for security teams to quickly react to insecure configurations and for DevOps tooling to manage infrastructure effectively. The traditional means of obtaining the timely and current state of AWS assets is to very frequently poll over the entire infrastructure, often tens of times per minute. This becomes increasingly difficult as AWS infrastructures grow in complexity. Additionally, polling for infrastructure changes provides no auditability context. In this session, learn how to inventory, track, and respond to AWS asset changes with seconds at scale. Complete Title: AWS re:Invent 2018: Inventory, Track, & Respond to AWS Asset Changes within Seconds at Scale (SEC391)
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