Cathay Pacific: Implementing CI/CD Pipeline Automation on Openshift (Cantonese)

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Опубликовано 12 декабря 2018, 8:00
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DevOps is part of the transformation for Cathay Pacific Airway (CPA), and CI/CD automation brings tremendous benefits to CPA in terms of quicker time to market. In this episode, YY Wong, Senior Solutions Architect of CPA, explains how to implement CI/CD pipeline automation for their applications running on OpenShift. YY also shares their best practice for application code deployment automation to containers as well as security control implementation in the CI/CD pipeline.

Host: Rebeker Choi, Senior Solutions Architect
Customer: YY Wong, Senior Solution Architect, Cathay Pacific

Title: 如何在OpenShift上實現 CI/CD pipeline 自動化
Host Name and Title: Rebeker Choi (資深解決方案架構師)
Customer name and Title: YY Wong (資深解決方案架構師)
Description: DevOps 是國泰航空公司(CPA)轉型的一部分,CI/CD 自動化使CPA可以更快和更有效地迎接市場的需求。 在本集的TMA,CPA 的高級解決方案架構師,YY Wong,解釋如何在OpenShift上實現 CI/CD pipeline 自動化。 另外,YY 還分享了應用程序代碼部到容器署自動化以及 CI/CD pipeline 的安全方案實現的最佳實踐方法。

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