Welcome to the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) YouTube channel ☁️

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Опубликовано 2 января 2019, 20:09
Subscribe to the Google Cloud Platform channel! → bit.ly/GCloudPlatform

The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) YouTube channel is where you can watch the latest technical tutorials on Cloud computing! Learn to build what's next with best practices on secure infrastructure, developer tools, APIs, data analytics, machine learning, and much more! Be sure to check out some of our original Cloud YouTube series:

NEXT '18 all sessions → bit.ly/2JgQKSU
AI Adventures → bit.ly/2sKXJxZ
Take5 → bit.ly/2MgTllk
Build Out → bit.ly/2QKT7VW
class SRE implements DevOps →bit.ly/2PPL6f0
Kubernetes Best Practices → bit.ly/2BZ7ltV
Cloud Minute → bit.ly/2CkKpaK
Pivotal Cloud Foundry on Google Cloud Platform → bit.ly/2BY8Ubm
Things-I-Learned About Cloud Spanner → bit.ly/2QiGdyF
Google Cloud AI Huddle → bit.ly/2o2TQle
Next '18 Rewind → bit.ly/2PBswWO
TIL with BigQuery → bit.ly/2RI54c7
Cloud Performance Atlas → bit.ly/2JLGYwl

*** We value your feedback. Let us know what you want to see on the GCP channel in 2019!