Yuhuashi: Integrate a Social CRM with a Social Application in China (Mandarin)

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Опубликовано 6 февраля 2019, 19:07
In this episode of This is My Architecture - amzn.to/2DKBWML, Logan Xu, Product Development Manager at Yuhuashi, explains the particular problems of integrating a social application in China with a global CRM system, and how to solve these problems with AWS IoT and serverless architecture.

Host: Jie Fan, Solution Architect, AWS
Customer: Logan Xu, Product Development Manager, Yuhuashi

Title: 如何将全球领先的云CRM系统赋予中国的社交属性

Description:在本次的 This is My Architecture 中,许小龙想我们介绍了在与中国最大的社交软件集成过程中遇到的一些问题,雨花石如何巧妙的采用AWS IOT模块与无服务器架构设计解决了很多做小程序的企业都会遇到的通用问题。

Host: 范捷,AWS 合作伙伴解决方案架构师
Customer: 许小龙, 产品研发经理

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