18.02.19 – 604 2867:06
I Went to an Apple AirPods Meetup
19.10.18 – 205 5559:04
Xiaomi Made A Backpack?
Опубликовано 22 марта 2019, 19:07
I found $25 AirPods selling from Walmart and I had to find out if they were fake or knockoff or from Wish
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$25 Pair: bit.ly/2WgPF4j
$35 Pair: bit.ly/2TXcDA7
$36 Pair: bit.ly/2Yh4oOl

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Music: Szept - Fun (Official Audio) youtube.com/watch?v=dbRKQgByzO...

comment fairpods if u see this :)