7 Miracles VR Available Now | VIVE Studios

41 718
HTC Vive57.6 тыс
46 дней – 5320:55
A Demonic Steampunk Robot?! 🤖
Опубликовано 25 апреля 2019, 12:53
The Virtual Reality film, 7 Miracles, is a stunningly immersive adaptation of the seven miracles of Jesus Christ from the Gospel of John. By combining award-winning storytelling with unparalleled filming technologies and immersive viewing experiences, 7 Miracles delivers the most unique interpretation of one of the greatest stories in history. The seven-part episodic feature is the first feature-length cinematic experience from VIVE Studios.

7 Miracles is available for Android devices on Google Play and Vive devices on Viveport. 7 Miracles will be coming to other platforms soon!

Viveport: viveport.com/apps/1fcfa3b5-033...

Google Play: play.google.com/store/apps/det...
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