Googlebot: SEO Mythbusting

54 288
Published on 22 May 2019, 16:00
In the second episode of SEO Mythbusting, Martin Splitt (WebMaster Trends Analyst, Google) and his guest Suz Hinton (Cloud Developer Advocate, Microsoft) discuss the many intricacies of Googlebot such as:
What is - and what is not - Googlebot (crawling, indexing, ranking) (1:02)
Does Googlebot behave like a web browser? (3:33)
How often does Googlebot crawl, how much does it crawl, and how much can a server bear? (4:03)
Crawlers & JavaScript-based websites (9:04)
How do you tell that it’s Googlebot visiting your site? (11:12)
The difference between mobile-first indexing and mobile friendliness (12:28)
Quality indicators for ranking (13:35)

Documentation mentioned in this episode:
What Crawl Budget Means for Googlebot →
Google crawlers (user agents) - see which robots Google uses to crawl the web →
Implement dynamic rendering →
Prepare for mobile-first indexing →

In the future episodes of SEO Mythbusting, look forward to more topics such as SEO & JavaScript, SEO & Web Performance, SEO & Web Frameworks, and SEO & Future of the Web.

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