See the future in action - Remote Radiology

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Nokia398 тыс
72 дня – 6502:01
Nokia People Digital Strategy
Опубликовано 27 мая 2019, 16:32
Watch Emanuel Kanal, Radiologist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center share how real-time healthcare and remote radiology solutions from Nokia has both changed UPMC patient care and redefined his career. UPMC now has a radiologist on call 24 hours a day, every day after they installed remote radiology workstations at UPMC locations and even at radiologists’ homes. This means that an UPMC radiologist can be available in real-time to see scans while the patient is still being scanned. This allows the radiologist to guide further patient scans and contribute to the diagnosis. Faster diagnoses lead to better patient care and quicker recoveries – all possible with our real-time healthcare solutions.

To learn more about Nokia’s Real-Time Healthcare Solutions, please visit:
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