AWS Executive Forum 2019 - Activating Data as a Strategic Asset to the Business

Опубликовано 24 июня 2019, 19:52
Presented at AWS Executive Forum 2019 in Sydney.
Activating Data as a Strategic Asset to the Business
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Whilst most businesses have built a data strategy, not all data strategies are equal. Join AWS Experts and practitioners from leading ANZ businesses as they debate and share insights in response to three leading questions:
1. How do you define your data strategy KPIs to measure success?
2. How do you balance ‘supply’ (building, ingesting & tooling) and ‘demand’ (driving high value business outcomes)?
3. What is the right team structure & skills mix and how do you source skills fast?

- Sarah Bassett, Regional Director, AWS
- Vicky Falconer, Data Analytics Lead, AWS