What is AWS Security?

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19.06.20 – 10 58010:00
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Опубликовано 19 июня 2020, 17:21
Infrastructure and services to elevate your security in the cloud - go.aws/2AU6q01

Using AWS, our customers will gain the control and confidence they need to securely run their business with the most flexible and secure cloud computing environment available today. Today, AWS protects millions of active customers around the world. Our customers represent diverse industries with a wide range of use cases, including large enterprises, start-ups, educational institutions, and government organizations. To learn more about our services and customers, check out the links below:

AWS Cloud Security: go.aws/2AU6q01
AWS Cloud Compliance: go.aws/2NeCe2s
AWS Security Blog: go.aws/3dnWCsF

More AWS videos bit.ly/2O3zS75
More AWS events videos bit.ly/316g9t4
