Kotlin: Simplifying APIs with coroutines - MAD Skills

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Building adaptive Android apps
Опубликовано 16 декабря 2020, 17:59
If you're a library author, you might want to make your Java-based or callback-based libraries easier to consume from Kotlin using coroutines and Flow. Alternatively, if you're an API consumer, you may be willing to adapt a 3rd party API surface to coroutines to make them more Kotlin friendly.

This video covers how to simplify APIs using coroutines and Flow as well as how to build your own adapter using suspendCancellableCoroutine and callbackFlow APIs. For the most curious ones, those APIs will be dissected and you'll see how they work under the hood.

Building a Kotlin extensions library → goo.gle/2WyYR6t
Coroutines & Patterns for work that shouldn’t be cancelled → goo.gle/3nqc1yj
The suspend modifier — under the hood → goo.gle/2Wo41BT

Catch more Kotlin and Jetpack APIs for MAD Skills → goo.gle/kotlin-madskills

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