How to build APIs for serverless workloads with Google Cloud

42 734
20.12.20 – 56 9405:52
Using the Kubernetes API
Опубликовано 18 декабря 2020, 17:00
Serverless computing allows developers to create highly scalable applications and services. In this video, we demo Google Cloud’s API Gateway - a tool that helps you create, secure, and monitor APIs for many of Google Cloud serverless backends - such as Cloud Functions, Cloud Run, and more! Watch to learn how you can provide secure access to your backend services through a well-defined REST API, providing consistency across all of your services, regardless of the service implementation.

0:00 - Overview
1:08 - Why Serverless APIs
1:39 - Google Cloud API Gateway Intro
3:01 - Demo
5:34 - Key use cases

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product: Google Cloud API Gateway; fullname: Priyanka Vergadia;