Migrating Linux applications with Migrate for Anthos

3 455
Опубликовано 29 января 2021, 17:00
Looking to migrate your Linux application to Google Cloud? In this video, we show you how to move existing Linux workloads from virtual machines to containers in just a few steps. Moreover, we’ll cover how to assess your application, create a migration plan, and more. Watch to learn how you can fully utilize Migrate for Anthos for your Linux application migration!

0:00 introduction
0:30 Recap of previous videos
1:35 Choosing the right workload
2:45 Using the discovery tool
3;30 Sample application overview
4:50 Discovery tool demonstration
6:05 Application migration demonstration
8:50 Deploying the migrated image
11:57 Conclusion

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Product: Migrate for Anthos, Anthos; fullname: Mike Coleman;