Migrating from Google App Engine to Cloud Run with Cloud Buildpacks

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16 дней – 1 0761:43
Developer buzz in Innovators Hive
Опубликовано 1 сентября 2021, 4:00
Serverless Migration Station is a "Serverless Expeditions" mini-series designed to help developers modernize their applications running on one of Google Cloud's serverless compute platforms. In this video, we dive deeper into the discussion around containerizing your App Engine app for Cloud Run. Watch to see how Developer Advocates Wesley Chun and Martin Omander containerize their App Engine application with Cloud Buildpacks!

0:00 - Introduction
2:06 - Migrating to Cloud Run with Cloud Buildpacks
4:52 - Deploying container images to other regions
7:21 - Summary

Module 5 references:
Codelab → goo.gle/3sKLmj8
Python 3 START ("mod2b") code → goo.gle/3i3kGFq
Python 3 FINISH ("mod5") code → goo.gle/2Wp8IiA

Other Migration Module references:
All "Serverless Migration Station" resources → goo.gle/3heRoEK
Migration Module 2 "App Engine ndb to Cloud NDB" codelab → goo.gle/3B2XFuZ
Migration Module 2 "App Engine ndb to Cloud NDB" video → goo.gle/3A3Scmc
Migration Module 4 "App Engine to Cloud Run with Docker" codelab → goo.gle/3zjXaeO
Migration Module 4 "App Engine to Cloud Run with Docker" video → goo.gle/3mxLUrr

Google App Engine references:
Second generation platform launch → goo.gle/3zjYzC6
Comparing first & second generation platforms → goo.gle/3sMzYDm
Committed support for legacy runtimes → goo.gle/2Wr1NVS
Python 3 Quickstart → goo.gle/3jiIlDA
Documentation migration samples repo → goo.gle/366G46X
Community-contributed migration samples repo → goo.gle/3xel8Hg

Google Cloud Run references:
gcloud run deploy --source single-line command → goo.gle/3DiHqeo
Product pages → goo.gle/3DiHv1G
Documentation → goo.gle/38bqLLh
GitOps/Push-to-deploy with Cloud Run blog post → goo.gle/3kmtw2d
Continuous Deployment (CD) with Cloud Build and Cloud Run → goo.gle/3mC2ZAC
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) w/GitHub Actions
and Cloud Run community tutorial → goo.gle/3gyIHUS

Google Cloud Buildpacks and CNCF Buildpacks references:
GitHub repo → goo.gle/3zj2rTT
CNCF Buildpacks → goo.gle/3yfPF75
CNCF Buildpacks repo & spec → goo.gle/3jhEWVv
Cloud Buildpacks announcement → goo.gle/3ksQOTU
Getting started with Procfiles → goo.gle/2WkiVwm
Procfiles definition & format → goo.gle/38bsS1Z

Google Cloud references:
gcloud builds submit command reference → goo.gle/3jhi3BL
gcloud run deploy → goo.gle/3yckGcg
gcloud beta run deploy → goo.gle/3jehzfI
Cloud SDK → goo.gle/3jgDJhi
Cloud Container Registry product pages → goo.gle/3msWPTs
Cloud Artifact Registry product pages → goo.gle/2WifCX1

Python & Docker references:
Google Cloud Python 2 runtime support → goo.gle/3zilT3b
Dockerfile best practices → goo.gle/3g3T6aP
.dockerignore file → goo.gle/37I6CMG

Check out more episodes of Serverless Migration Station → goo.gle/ServerlessMigrationSta...
Subscribe to Google Cloud Tech → goo.gle/GoogleCloudTech


product: Cloud - Migration - Migrate for Compute Engine; fullname: Wesley Chun, Martin Omander; re_ty: Publish;