Futurama Returns - This is Only a Test 637 - 2/10/22

16 221
Tested6.9 млн
Опубликовано 11 февраля 2022, 8:04
pes to come, and Will joins this week to talk about the launch of The Anacrusis and his new podcast on open-source software. Plus, the sad state of 4K sports streaming, and those juicy new details about the upcoming Steam Deck. Also, stick around for an interview with one of the sculptors and art directors of Sideshow's pop culture statues, Daniel Bel!

Check out Tech Pod at techpod.content.town
and also check out Foss Pod at fosspod.content.town
The Anacrusis: theanacrusis.com

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Norman Chan twitter.com/nchan
Joey Fameli joeyfameli.com
Ryan Kiser instagram.com/ryan.kiser
Josh Self mrjoshself.com
Jen Schachter jenschachter.com
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Jeremy Williams twitter.com/jerware
Kayte Sabicer instagram.com/kaytesabicer
Bill Doran twitter.com/chinbeard
Ariel Waldman youtube.com/arielwaldman
Darrell Maloney youtube.com/brokennerd
Kristen Lomasney twitter.com/krystynlo

Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman

Thanks for watching!