Earn the Professional Google Workspace Administrator Certification: Exam Guide Deep Dive and Q&A

15 965
Google for Work813 тыс
Опубликовано 15 ноября 2022, 17:07
In this session, join Colin Neale, Google Workspace Technical Curriculum Developer, and the Google Workspace Community to:
- Get prepared for the Professional Google Workspace Administrator Certification
- Dive deep into exam guide topics with Google Workspace experts
- Get your questions answered with live Q&A

Join, learn, and connect with the Google Workspace Community → goo.gle/gws-community

3:00 Certification overview
6:44 About the exam
8:21 Preparing for the exam
10:28 Exam guide deep dive: Topics and what you need to know
34:31 Tips when taking the exam
37:36 FAQs
44:45 Exam sample questions walkthrough
54:10 Live Q&A


Professional Google Workspace Administrator Certification info page → cloud.google.com/certification...

[Community blog] Guide to Preparing for the Professional Google Workspace Administrator Certification → googlecloudcommunity.com/gc/Co...

[On-demand learning course] Introduction to Google Workspace Administration → cloudskillsboost.google/course...

[Hands-on labs] Google Workspace for IT Administrators → cloudskillsboost.google/quests...

[Quest to earn a skill badge] Configure your Workplace: Google Workspace for IT Admins → cloudskillsboost.google/quests...