Google Cloud Platform1.21 млн
Опубликовано 5 ноября 2022, 16:00
Neo4j →
Welcome back to Architecting with Google Cloud! In this interview, Debi Cabrera discusses graph databases with Ben Lackey and how Neo4j - the first graph data science platform - gives its users a more flexible and insightful view into their data. Watch along and learn about the power of graph databases and how they can help you find deeper insights through the relationships in your data.
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Welcome back to Architecting with Google Cloud! In this interview, Debi Cabrera discusses graph databases with Ben Lackey and how Neo4j - the first graph data science platform - gives its users a more flexible and insightful view into their data. Watch along and learn about the power of graph databases and how they can help you find deeper insights through the relationships in your data.
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