Responsible AI Workshop | Opening Remarks

Опубликовано 7 декабря 2022, 1:52
Opening remarks
Lidong Zhou, Microsoft Research Asia

When studying responsible AI (artificial intelligence), most of the time we are studying its impact on people and society. Sociologists, psychologists, and media scientists have long-term accumulation and research results in these areas. When we talk about fairness, we would better work with sociologists to analyze how AI could lead to stratification of society and polarization of people's opinions. As we study interpretability, we also hope to discuss with psychologists why people essentially need more transparent models, and how to best show the inner mechanisms of AI models. Communication scientists can help us gain a deeper understanding of AI models used in information distribution. From another perspective, we are also very interested in the application of responsible AI in these interdisciplinary areas, to help solve their problems. In this workshop, we invited researchers from different disciplines to discuss with us how we can jointly advance research in responsible AI.

Learn more about the Responsible AI Workshop:

This workshop was part of the Microsoft Research Summit 2022: