Product page performance problems

5 699
Опубликовано 29 декабря 2022, 14:00
In this episode of SEO Fairy Tales, Martin Splitt and Ruth Mesfun, a software engineer at Zillow, share a case study from a previous employer about mobile users dropping off of product pages which was attributed to latency performance issues. Ruth shares her experience deep diving into what was causing these performance issues from plugins, packages, GIFs, and images. Learn about which problems were quick fixes, bundle splitting, which plugins or packages contributed to the latency issues, and more!

0:00 - Intro
0:53 - A bizarre bounce rate
1:52 - Performance problems?
2:35 - Investigating with Lighthouse
3:30 - Problematic plugins
4:26 - GIF grief
5:17 - Image loading
6:07 - Scripting your tests
7:56 - The toolbox for troubleshooting
9:39 - Packing only what you need
11:52 - Enjoying the results
13:42 - Wrap up

Case study example script:

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#TechnicalSEO #Latencyproblems #pageperformance