Linus Tech Tips Live Show Archive - November 16, 2012

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Linus Tech Tips16.1 млн
38 дней – 1 681 3680:29
How Long Can We Make A Screwdriver?
Опубликовано 17 ноября 2012, 7:45

1:00 - Technical difficulties tonight...
5:00 - All the cool stuff we filmed today
10:00 - Oil cooled PC vs water cooling
16:55 - Slick is HOT!
23:30 - Slick is a BULLY!
26:45 - Alternate video streaming sites - Vimeo tip jar and Daily Motion softcore porn
30:15 - Android platform performance and Justin Bieber
33:20 - What happened to AMD The Verge article
36:05 - Hackers vs crackers
41:00 - Favourite games of Linus and Slick & how input lag is killing gaming
48:40 - Danger Den goes out of business
53:00 - Neither Slick nor I has ever eaten a Twinkie
58:45 - CoD Black Ops 2 has the wrong disc in the box!
1:10:00 - Slick's solo segment and Linus' bathroom break
1:15:00 - How much stuff can Slick fit in his Everki bag???
1:19:30 - Lumberjacking - GTA mixed with logging. New game concept

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