Rita's Rotor Blade Sword From Edge of Tomorrow!

133 988
Tested6.9 млн
18.06.23 – 158 23316:52
The Perfect X-Wing Model!
17 дней – 74 88224:30
The Mind-Blowing Art of Metal Sculpting!
Опубликовано 17 июня 2023, 14:00
Adam tries his hand at wielding two epic swords from vastly different films: Brad Pitt's Achilles sword from Troy (2004) and Emily Blunt's unique helicopter rotor blade sword from Edge of Tomorrow (2014)! One is a small sword with real heft from its cast bronze construction, and the other is a giant sword that's deceptively lightweight! Two awesome hero swords from two of our favorite action movies!

Check out this prop and others from the upcoming EMLA: Los Angeles 2023 auction at propstoreauction.com/auctions/...

Shot by Joey Fameli and edited by Norman Chan
Music by Jinglepunks

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Intro bumper by Abe Dieckman

Thanks for watching!

#adamsavage #props #sword