Meet Mika from Oulu | Nokia Finland

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Опубликовано 19 сентября 2023, 9:12
Meet Mika, our former summer trainee in Field Verification, hailing from Oulu, Finland! Mika isn't just any ordinary student, he's a biomedical engineering wizard in his 4th year of studies at the University of Oulu. 📚👨‍🔬

So, what inspired this tech-savvy scholar to embark on a journey with Nokia during his summer traineeship?
"I wanted a position where I could learn more about technology and actually apply it to make new solutions." says Mika. 🚀💡

But what truly shines at Nokia, according to Mika? It's the people! 😊
“The people have been the best thing so far because I think people here are very friendly and everybody is so helpful and the spirit is very good. 🙌

In three words, Mika describes Nokia as "innovative, enhancing, and friendly." 🌟🤗

And here's a golden tip from Mika for fellow students: "This is a place where there are no dumb questions. If you want to learn something then you must ask and it's a good way to show that you want to learn." 🧐🙋‍♂️

While Mika's summer traineeship at Nokia may have ended, his positive impact and the lessons he's taken with him continue to inspire us. 🌱🌍

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