10.02.24 – 977 77910:30
Making the World's Tiniest Gaming PC
33 дня – 343 0426:52
The 5070 Ti might not be enough.
317 дней – 1 516 3816:26
The single monitor setup for 2024.
Опубликовано 25 января 2024, 12:21
Another day, another ctrl c + v rapid trigger keyboard. But this one, might actually be worth it.

Need a new wallpaper? optimum.store

you can pick up the Wooting or Endgame below (not affiliate links)
Wooting: wooting.io/configurator/wootin...
Endgame: mechanicalkeyboards.com/shop/i...

my wooting keyboard: wooting.io/project-optimum

Video gear
Camera: geni.us/5YfMuy
Primary Lens: geni.us/pWnoPBr


As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Nothing is sponsored / paid promotion, however some hardware is sent for review and kept.
Случайные видео
16.03.18 – 27 8483:38
Introducing Enso OS 0.2.1