Supercharge Software Delivery With Event-Driven RAG

7 756
NVIDIA1.47 млн
337 дней – 7 6181:38
Generative AI Demystified
Опубликовано 18 марта 2024, 22:26
Video Overview:

Enterprise applications are composed of many software containers, each involving a complex set of dependencies. To triage a container for vulnerabilities, hundreds of pieces of information need to be retrieved, understood, and integrated—a tedious process that can take days.

This demo looks at how we use generative AI to shorten the process to mere seconds. This is AgentMorpheus, an event-driven, retrieval-augmented generation application built using NVIDIA NIM inference microservices, NeMo Retriever, and the Morpheus SDK.

Key Points:

Enterprise software is very complex
Ensuring software security is time-consuming and repetitive
Using ‌NVIDIA-based RAG agents enables faster, more secure software vulnerability analysis, moving from days to seconds

Learn more:

#cybersecurity #generativeAI #GTC24 #NVIDIA #NeMo #NVIDIANIM #NVIDIANeMo #RAG #RAGAI