VIVE Education - VIVE Deluxe Pack for XR Series Unboxing and Setup

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Опубликовано 17 июня 2024, 16:00
In addition to the accessories included with the VIVE XR Elite, the VIVE Deluxe Pack for XR Series includes several premium accessories to elevate your VIVE XR Elite experience.

To learn more about VIVE Deluxe Pack for XR Series, go to

0:00 VIVE Deluxe Pack for XR Series Unboxing and Setup
0:19 Inside the box
0:36 To attach the VIVE Deluxe Strap
1:08 To attach the VIVE Face Gasket 2.0
2:26 To attach the VIVE MR Gasket
2:58 To attach the VIVE Temple Clips
#VR #VIVE #exrelite #vivedeluxepack