ROME: "WebGL: The Technology Behind '3 Dreams of Black'"

590 742
Google Chrome2.21 млн
Опубликовано 12 мая 2011, 5:26
Experience "3 Dreams of Black" at

"3 Dreams of Black" is Chris Milk's new interactive film, created in WebGL with some friends from Google, for Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi's ROME, featuring Jack White & Norah Jones. The project is a Chrome Experiment ( that showcases some of the latest web technologies in modern browsers like Google Chrome.

In building "3 Dreams of Black", we've had the opportunity to build many tools, libraries, and models. We've fully opened up the source code and made it available for web developers to tinker with us at In addition to the code, a few other highlights include eight WebGL demos, a fun model viewer for interacting with some of the animals from the web experience, and the Three.js 3D library used for building the experience. In addition, a big part of the project was to define a good pipeline for getting all the animals and environment models right in WebGL -- for this, we extended Blender with custom plugins so we could manipulate and export the data with ease.