Android Design in Action: Beautiful Design Summer 2013 Highlights

31 070
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Опубликовано 20 августа 2013, 15:09
Join Nick Butcher, Adam Koch and Roman Nurik as they discuss various elements of Android Design. This week, they share their favourite design details from the 11 apps in the Beautiful Design Summer 2013 collection on Google Play: Pattrn (3:47), Pinterest (5:46), Pocket (8:47), Timer (11:40), Grand St (14:26), Eye In Sky Weather (17:32), Press (19:24), New York Times (22:45), Expedia (25:00), Flipboard (26:52) and TED (29:35). As a bonus they also cover the recently launched app Timely (30:54).

Slides can be found here:

#ADiA #AndroidDesign
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