Maps: The Mobile Experience, Ep.01: Single-handed Place Navigation

4 374
13.09.13 – 13 60515:29
Google Wallet- Web & Mortar
33 дня – 4 3920:15
POV: You just wanted to be an SWE.
Опубликовано 13 сентября 2013, 16:32
In the premiere episode of The Mobile Experience, Paul Saxman explores techniques for building a single-handed, smartphone interface for browsing a collection of places on a map.

This app shown in this episode was built for Android using a ViewPager; however, the same techniques can be used for building iOS apps using a UIScrollView. The code for the app is available at

The Mobile Experience series explores UI design guidelines and UX principles for building location-aware, mobile map applications. Tune in to future episodes for more advanced mobile map design tips and techniques!