Google Developers2.41 млн
Опубликовано 28 августа 2012, 16:44
Ask and vote for questions:
You spoke, we listened. Join Paul Kinlan, Paul Lewis, Pete LePage, and Renato Dias to learn about the new storage APIs that are available to Chrome Packaged Apps in the next installment of Chrome Apps Office Hours. We'll take a look at the new sync-able and local storage APIs as well as other ways you can save data locally on your users machine.
We didn't get through quite as many questions as we hoped last week, and are going to dedicate some extra time this week, so be sure to post your questions on Moderator below!
You spoke, we listened. Join Paul Kinlan, Paul Lewis, Pete LePage, and Renato Dias to learn about the new storage APIs that are available to Chrome Packaged Apps in the next installment of Chrome Apps Office Hours. We'll take a look at the new sync-able and local storage APIs as well as other ways you can save data locally on your users machine.
We didn't get through quite as many questions as we hoped last week, and are going to dedicate some extra time this week, so be sure to post your questions on Moderator below!
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