GDD-BR 2010 [1C] Google Web Tookit: What it is, How it Works and Deeper Dives

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Run AI locally, with Gemma!
Опубликовано 20 декабря 2010, 16:26
Speaker: Chris Ramsdale
Track: Cloud Computing
Time slot: C [12:05 - 12:50]
Room: 1
Level: 151

If you're like the rest of us, at some point in your web app development you've wondered if there was an easier solution. One that includes built-in debuggers, code refactoring, reliable syntax highlighting, etc. After all, why should the server-side and desktop programmers get all of the good tools? The good news is that with Google Web Toolkit (GWT) you do have access to these tools. And in this session, Chris Ramsdale will get you up and running with GWT, including what it is, how it works, and deeper dives into generators, native Javascript interop, and compiler optimizations.