SVG Web Library and Open Web Advocacy

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22.09.09 – 662 12441:55
Introduction to HTML 5
Опубликовано 21 августа 2009, 3:04
Would you like to create cross-browser, interactive graphics, animation, and video using your JavaScript and Open Web knowledge? In the last few years the iPhone, Firefox, Chrome, and more have all added Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) support. The last hold out has been Internet Explorer. Come learn about SVG Web, a new open source JavaScript project that finally brings SVG to Internet Explorer with a simple drop-in JavaScript library. Find out how you can use SVG to deploy beautiful and interactive content that is search-engine friendly, accessible, creates extremely small file sizes, and has embedded video, animation, and fonts. Even better, find out how you can deploy this content on everything from the iPhone to Internet Explorer.