Workshop about Comet

7 582
27.11.08 – 6 9591:34:58
The Chronicles of Web Standard: Panel
88 дней – 2 8243:16
Google Pay's PayButton API
Опубликовано 26 ноября 2008, 19:14
Technical Comet Presentation: Overview of Polling, Long Polling, and Streaming, followed by Details Bayuex using Cometd
Presenter: Kevin Nilson

* Teaches you methods of pushing Data to the Browser from the Server
* Designed for those with limited knowledge of Comet and Bayeux
* Focus more on Principals of Comet rather than on Language
* Live Java Based Examples using Dojo and Jetty
* Covers Pros and Cons when Deciding between Polling, Long Polling, and Streaming
* Covers the Advantages of Bayeux
* Getting Started Advanced Examples using Cometd / Bayeu