Samsung Galaxy S6 Note 5 ROM Port - Review (4K)

20 266
AdrianIsen1.41 млн
14.10.21 – 3 5163:22
AMD Problems with Windows 11!
Опубликовано 29 августа 2015, 19:45
Samsung Galaxy Note 5 was recently released and if you still haven’t had the chance to buy it like me. You can always check it out on a ROM Port on another phone. This review is for the Galaxy S6 Note 5 ROM port. Take a look!


When taking a look at the Note 5 ROM port on the Galaxy S6 what we first noticed is the new icons on the Note 5 with a more rounded appearance. And in the app menu, all the apps look a little bit smaller than usual since the apps are arranged 5 per row, not 4. Everything else also looks a little bit smaller as this is the UI of the Note 5, a large screen device.


In certain apps like the phone app and internet app some features similar to the S6 are seen. Scrolling speed is also very good in the browser in this Note 5 ROM version. Using this ROM Port you can also check out the new wallpapers for the Note5. Some new applications for Note5 were also seen like the Scrapbook and Samsung gear for the smartwatch, accessible from the tools menu.


Sidesync is an app that can be downloaded from the app store but is available on default for the Galaxy Note 5 that helps you sync your screen with different other devices. The user interface is also really smooth and easily controllable. Although the SNote app is available to use the SPen on it doesn’t really work on the S6 even when tried with the pen from the Note 4.


There are many similar and also different features we discovered between the Note 5 and the S6 overall. The Note 5 Port on S6 performed well with smooth functioning.



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