Logitech G19 Gaming Keyboard - HWC Wish List Series

14 273
HardwareCanucks1.86 млн
220 дней – 113 92912:17
This Case FINALLY did it Right.
Опубликовано 3 декабря 2009, 3:45
It's that time of year again; to get out shopping for holiday gifts and join in the hustle and bustle in the malls.

But how do you know that what is on your list is actually worth requesting or gifting? No worries, Hardware Canucks and NCIX can help. Through the month of December we are going to be taking requests for product reviews ideas to do "short" reviews on and give you feedback on the products you are interested in!

We start off with the Logitech G19, a rather advanced gaming keyboard that is at the pinnacle of all gaming peripherals.

To make a request, find a product (that is currently available) on your list over at www.NCIX.com and let us know what it is in the comments section.

We will do our best to answer the most popular requests in the coming weeks!

Happy Holidays!