Hands-On with Rick and Morty VR!

172 573
Tested6.9 млн
Опубликовано 24 июля 2016, 14:11
We play the first demo of Rick and Morty VR, a roomscale virtual reality game made by Owlchemy Labs and Adult Swim. Here are our impressions, along with a chat with Owlchemy's Alex Schwartz about narrative VR game design, comedy script writing, and VR puzzles.

Shot and edited by Joey Fameli
Music by Jinglepunks

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Tested is:
Adam Savage twitter.com/donttrythis
Norman Chan twitter.com/nchan
Simone Giertz twitter.com/simonegiertz
Joey Fameli twitter.com/joeyfameli
Adam Isaak instagram.com/adamisaak
Kishore Hari twitter.com/sciencequiche
Patrick Norton twitter.com/patricknorton
Frank Ippolito twitter.com/frankippolito
Sean Charlesworth twitter.com/cworthdynamics
Jeremy Williams twitter.com/jerware

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